Our Ministerial Team

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Kia Bordner

Minister of Lifespan Faith & Membership Engagement

Kia Bordner is the granddaughter of Juan Crisostomo Renteria of the Tigua people of Ysleta del Sur; Maria Teresa Baca, whose nation has been lost to colonization; the Monteverdes of the Yaqui peoples; and the Meiers of Germany. She is the mother of four adult children; Elizabeth, Sarah, Julia, & Rile. Kia’s pronouns are She/Her/Hers & They/Them/Theirs.

Previous to co-founding the Circle of Hedge, Kia was actively involved in every level of Unitarian Universalism. At her former home congregation, she served the community in many capacities, too numerous to list. The diversity of her volunteering spanned the Family Ministry, various social justice teams, a wide range of committees, and as part of the worship team. The lack of accountability and the refusal of church leadership to address repeated harms to many BIPoC & other marginalized community members conflicted with Kia’s commitment to dismantling white supremacy within UU organizations and her intolerance for racism. These incidents led to her break with the congregation.

As a Co-President of the Council of the newly formed Ministers of Colour Chapter of the UU Ministerial Association, she shares liaison duties with Rev. Theresa Inés Soto. Currently, a member of the PSWD Board, Kia has previously served as the General Assembly co-coordinator for DRUUMM (Diverse Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries).

Our Ministerial Team

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Mateo Frisk

Minister of Music & Worship Arts

Mateo Frisk is a founding member of The Mountain Top community of Unitarian Universalist Black, Indigenous and People of Color.

He has served as Director of Music to Columbine Unitarian Universalist Church in Littleton, Colorado since 2011. He is passionate about creating authentic space for people to participate in religious community with their whole self.

He carries a Music Leadership Certification from the Unitarian Universalist Association, and is scheduled to be ordained to the ministry in April 2021.

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Zebulon Green

Minister of Revolutionary Actions

Zeb's spiritual leadership began in the divebars of Charleston, SC. Zeb and local area artists founded Charleston Freakfest. Freakfest was a home for everyone denied a stage to practice their art, express their voice, and support each other.

Zeb's leadership has taken many forms but has always involved creating spaces for people to connect with their callings, creating space to empower people to find their voices, and building counter-narratives to the status quo.

Zeb received their Master's of Divinity and Master's of Arts in Social Change from Starr King School for the Ministry.

Zeb is a founding organizer with Tornillo: The Occupation, Sacred Liberation, and The Circle of Hedge.